Friday, August 13, 2010

Change of Plans

I described in my last post the episode with dehydration at the Heart O' Dixie Triathlon.  I've also had a few more dehydration problems this year, and have been curious about the blood pressure issues.  I've been on BP meds for 6 years.  Not anything really powerful, but what the doctor described as similar to Mydol or Pamprin, a diuretic.  So lately, after my very low blood pressures associated with dehydration, especially after HOD, I thought I might be able to stop my BP meds altogether...

...Wrong again, Gatorade breath!  My BP the day after HOD was way high. High enough to make me worry, not to mention Wifeunit's concern.  Over a few days I made two unplanned trips to the medical clinic, and got in to see a cardiologist for a sonogram, stress test and blood work.  During those days, I naturally expected the worst: clogged arteries, open heart surgery, weeks of rest, no strenuous activity for months.

Think about it.  I have a lifestyle born 9 years ago after being diagnosed with mild hypertension.  I started with joining the YMCA and doing some elliptical machine work for 30 minutes a few times a week.  That evolved into spin classes, Masters Swimming and running 5Ks.  Then MC pushing me into a beginner tri on a borrowed mountain bike. Swim meets with Kate and Paul.  Now dozens of triathlons later, several half marathons and my first full marathon with Kay Vee, plus a nearly 4 mile swim across the "big water" just a month ago. 

I thought it might be better to die on the road or in the pool.  I still think so, but I'm not going to beg for sudden death. 

Test results indicated I had a heart like an athlete with no problems.  BP meds were changed and I'm monitoring regularly.  Overheating episodes apparently have a lasting effect sometimes.

Two doctors suggested I cut back my training until the record heat subsided.  Wifeunit voted with the MDs.

So, the half Ironman at Cedar Point next month will not happen for me.  Kay Vee suggested a compromise of doing my long run training on the treadmill, but I just think the safest way is to give myself a chance to keep my lifestyle is to keep living, but in moderation, not in 100+ degree heat.

I'll continue to do events lasting less than 3 hours.  There's the Cotton States Triathlon and a mile swim event at Eagle Lake called "Gator Bait" later this month.  The Delta State University Tri is late in September, and the Paddle, Pant, Pedal Tri is in October.  Mix in a few 5Ks and I'm feeling pretty satisfied.  My training for the Blues Marathon in January will start ramping up as the temps go down. 

There may be a nice Half Iron in San Juan with my name on it in March 2011.


Tea said...

Bill: It's ALWAYS health before races. WE race for the health of it, don't we?

I'm sorry about the race, but not too much. I'd (and wifeunit) would rather have you around for a LONG LONG time than do the half-iron.

Don't worry about the Blues. Take it one day at a time. I'm still going to be there. :) A half marathon falls well under 3:00. :)

Harry said...

Take care of yourself, man! I'll never run any of the races, but watching what you're doing at least keeps the guilt factor driving me to try and get things better!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Tea and Harry! This is Wifeunit, and I appreciate everyone's concern for Billy. I want him around a very long time! Keep on him to stay healthy, stay alive and still have fun! San Juan! YES!!!