- It's no longer winter and it's fun to be outside.
- Nice spring weather makes me want to do things other than write blog stuff
- I hurt my knee and I've been depressed about that
- Sometimes the blog side of me goes away
My knee has really been the main problem for the last month or so. My left knee was really sore, but now it feels about 90% back to normal. I'm wearing a brace thing whenever I swim, bike or run and it seems to help. I really don't know for sure what caused the injury, but I suspect it was some speed drills I was doing, plus the delay in giving the knee a rest after it started to feel sore.
Anyway, the bike season is finally here, and I've enjoyed a couple nice group rides - the Jackson Metro Cyclists Flora Ride, and Ridgeland, Mississippi's Natchez Trace Century Ride. Paul and I did the 30 mile Flora ride and the metric century (60 something miles) on the Trace ride.
The Flowood Fighting Flounders Masters Swim Club - all three of us- have set a goal to swim a 200 yard butterfly by the end of 2008. When we began our quest in March, we were struggling to finish a 50 yard distance. Now we are up to a modest 75, but we do 2 with about 30 seconds rest followed by a 50 yard. We hope to make it to 100 yards by the end of June.
Wifeunit and I have started another hobby, Geocaching, that fits right into our birding and road trips. If you're not familiar with the sport (as some call it), check it out here: Geocaching.com. It could be considered a nerdy, goober thing to do, but so is birding to many. We've found that the fun and knowledge gained, plus the interesting people we meet have been very rewarding.
Speaking of birding, last weekend I joined a few Jackson, Ms Audubon Society folk for a field trip at Mayes Lake and we were able to view and identify a good number of beautiful birds passing througH the area on their annual migration journey. Call me a nerd, but I really get a thrill out of seeing a new specie of bird for the first time.
Well, ribs are on the grill and a fine weekend is almost done.
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