Here's a few photos of my first half marathon, the inaugural Mississippi Blues Marathon. I was really impressed with the way the race was organized. I've read some really good reviews from around the country and I appreciate every kind word for this home town event. The volunteers were fantastic as were the people who came out to cheer us on. Read better reviews than mine at
The Athena Diaries and
Bill Anders' Photos & Tri-rambles. Thanks to everyone, especially
Wifeunit for her constant support and the way she seems to enjoy my hobbies.
Pictured below are some Jackson, Ms area triathlon friends hanging out before the race - another reason I like this stuff so much - the people.

Here I go at about mile 11, not feeling too sporty, but there was an incredible amount of support along the course. I didn't even know these guys.
Here's the guy many of you have heard about, looking good in pink at mile 24.
I owe a special thanks to the runner below, MC, 10th female finisher overall, who got me started in a fitness lifestyle and continues to make me challenge myself.

After the race, another supporter and friend, and better runner than me,
1 comment:
Nice pics along the way, Billunit. I had thought about dragging my camera along, but didn't have any place to stuff it.
I did get a kick out of that guy in the pink tutu. Lots of guts to run in that thing. Lots of smiles too.
Glad you had a good time. We certainly did too. It will likely be on my calendar next year too.
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